Saturday, December 03, 2011 0 comments

Permulaan yang baru untuk sesuatu yang baru!!!

Dah lama tak menulis, rasa sedikit janggal..after all blog ni cam private coz tak ramai yang tahu, so why not let it be this way..hehhe...balik je keje hari ni aku mula berfikir, I need to do something for the sake of my future..masa depan aku bukan di contact centre, mungkin!!! tapi aku dapat bayangan yang ianya ditempat lain coz aku rase there is an opportunity out there for me and I need to grab it.. It's always linger around me and keep pulling me to go there, but I insist to stay here because I think I'm not ready yet to go there. Do I? Yes I do (jawab sendirik..hahaha)...why do I always had this vision that keep me away from the place I am now.. is it bad to stay in here (Stx contact centre).. Is it not enough for me to expand in here (refer to stx).. Is it blocking my future in here(still refer to stx)..the answer is NO!! ...the place I am in now is a great place where people learn to be great, cautious, polite and nice. Why do this future things keep linger in my mind?.. One side of myself said, It is not your place to stay, just go away!!! .. but  I heard another me saying "Stay here maybe for a while, because you need it for your own future undertaking"..then I start thinking again and again and again.. yes it is , I need something here and it's crucial and somewhat important for me and of course that's for my future undertaking...I hope so,....

For this moment, I learnt to let go... for this moment I learnt to let loose... and for this very moment I learnt to move forward for the sake of my future undertaking and my own destiny to fulfilled and of course my own responsibilities...Dude, wake up!!!. It's time. Hurry up, wash your body and let's GO!!!!!

p/s: from the tiniest to the biggest aim in  my life.. LIVE IT UP!!!